Svelte Leggings

Svelte sent me these leggings to review but the opinions are all mine.

Let's be honest. Leggings are rarely worn correctly anymore. Too many women are guilty of trying to pass off what are essentially cheap spandex footless tights as pants that hug every lump, bump and ripple. Women with disabilities who are wheelchair dependent are especially guilty of this. They think the chair hides these problems; it doesn't. 

Svelte leggings have built-in shapewear that evens out bulges and muffin tops without making you feel like you're wearing a girdle. The wide elastic waistline is comfortable enough to wear all day. These leggings are made out of a thick, cotton/spandex blend that smooths out flaws instead of highlighting them.

This is how I wear leggings when I'm running errands.  Even though I'm in a wheelchair I always make sure my top covers my hips. Because I'm petite, I often wear high heels or wedges with them to make my legs look longer. The grommet details on the side really help set these apart from gymwear or cheap spandex.

Even casual wear needs to have a level of quality that makes you look good and makes the garment last. As you can see, Svelte leggings are worth the investment.