Meet Me In The Mid-Tones

Is being a hot tamale or a cool cucumber just not right for you? Do you feel like a rainbow reject when it comes to all this color stuff? Don't despair; meet me in the middle.

As the name implies if you're a Mid-Tones mama then your palette is neither too bright nor too pastel. Your skin either has blue undertones or a peaches and cream complexion and your eyes are light in color. You are the most neutral canvas of all. Without color you look washed out, but too much makes you look like your clothes are wearing you.

Mid-Toners can do a bit of crossing over into the other two groups. Just proceed with caution. Stay away from khaki and beige at all costs. Soft burgundy is a great neutral and navy works, too. Purple is your color, just be sure to keep it toned down.

Think fresh, clean colors like those below.

I compiled all of these images using Polyvore.

Do you fall into  this group? I do - it took me a long time to figure that out - and guess what? Once I knew what colors worked on me I didn't trash all the clothes that weren't the right shade. Instead I devised a work-around.

If you've stuck with me so far I thank you for wading through the technical aspect of these posts. In the next few posts I'll talk in a much more personal way about how I stumble and bumble my way through this. I would love to have your questions and personal observations on the subject of color. Post them in the comments section, on my Facebook page, in a tweet or in an email .