I've been blogging for almost two years now. In that time I've tried to give you an accurate picture of my own personal style and the lessons I've learned - and continue to learn - in dressing for my shape, size and disability without breaking the bank. You've seen lots of different outfits in lots of different places. I like to think most of them have been at least okay, and I hope a fair few have been knockouts.
But I've committed a few faux-pas along the way, too. After all, nobody's perfect, and the only way to learn is by making the occasional mistake. It's time to break out the misses, the stinkers, the fashion don'ts, the "bloops" moments. The photos are unaltered by filters or color correction.
1983 called. It wants it's outfit back.
If this shirt was any bigger I'd take flight.
Tangerine Tango was not my color of the year.
I could not have picked a more unflattering shirt if I tried.
Too big, too baggy, too boxy, too bad.
Seriously? Where do I start?
I think I've made my point. For what it's worth I was heavier in all of these photos than I am at present, but that's no excuse. Live and learn (and I think I have).
Speaking of which, next time I'll talk about a few changes I'll be incorporating into the blog to include a broader base and more interaction with lovely readers like you.
Linking up with Monday Bloom, Fashionista Style Hop and Tres Chic Style Bits.