Party At Tiffany's
The holidays are winding down for most of us. The halls have been decked and the presents unwrapped; treats consumed and stretchy pants donned.
Not so much over here. Well okay, in the interest of full disclosure, I foolishly, mindlessly overindulged this month and my pants are pretty tight. Diet days are coming, and moving in for the long haul. But I digress. Three days before Christmas my better half got knocked flat by a full-blown bout of the flu. Thankfully I had a flu shot so I didn't catch it, but it meant our plan to wait until the last minute to get our Yule-tide act together fell as flat on it's back as he did. Long story short; Christmas has been rescheduled to coincide with New Year's Day.
That doesn't mean my entire holiday season was a bust. Last week I promised you some party pics. Have a look at these.
Tiffany and me
Adjusting the feathered crown
Tiffany and me
Me, Tiffany and Laura
Tiffany's amazing boots
Daisy, me and Payton
A few weeks ago I got to party with some of Nashville's finest musical artists at Tiffany's Boutique. I have to confess that I'm kind of an idiot because I thought the invitation was for visual artists - which, if you've been paying attention, still somewhat includes me - so I showed up.
Turns out it didn't really matter, because I was made to feel so welcomed. There was Laura Citron of OPIUM designer vintage looking so exotic in her black dress. Daisy Burgeis (who made the stunning necklace I'm wearing) and her musically talented hubby Robert, and Payton Kemp, resident stylist and ingenue glamazon. These young women are so wonderful to be around. They have a genuine passion and sincere appreciation of the world around them, and they all manifest it in their own unique expression of who they are and how they fit into the larger scheme of things.
Payton's stepfather, a tall, handsome man with kind eyes introduced himself as TG Sheppard. If you're into country music you recognize that name because it represents a career that has spanned almost five decades and yielded 20 number one songs. He and wife Kelly Lang have recorded an album together called Iconic Duets. Oh, and Kelly is Payton's Mom.
Of course, you know by now that gorgeous redhead standing next to me is Tiffany herself. If Daisy, Laura and Payton are points on a compass Tiffany is certainly magnetic North. She is a genuinely gracious and upbeat spirit with a singular sense of style and a voice that can silence any snickers or remarks about has-been, teen-pop status. And she still tours ten months out of the year, picking up great pieces for her boutique at every stop along the way.She introduced me to all of her friends, including a lovely blonde named Tullie Brae, who coveted Clint's green fedora but walked out with a white one, instead. As if there wasn't enough talent in the room already, Tullie sings the blues and plays the Hammond to perfection.
There were others whose names I am forgetting, and I hope they'll forgive me for my memory lapses, such as they are. There isn't a single one of them I wouldn't enjoy getting to know better.
As 2014 draws to a close it strikes me that these women and men I have met that have extended their friendship to me are the true crowning jewels of my year. I am a richer person for having met all of them.
What will 2015 bring? I've got plans; just you wait and see.
Joining the last Visible Monday, Monday Mingle, Style to Inspire and Reasons to Dress of 2014 as well as the first Hat Attack of 2015.